Night Photography

Date: June 15, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM

WITH Stephen Bay


Night photography can be one of the most challenging and rewarding genres of photography. It requires careful planning, good field technique, and masterful editing but when pulled off can yield incredible and unique images that most people wouldn't have thought possible.

In this workshop, I'll cover from start to finish how I go about making some of my most memorable night images. From my initial concept to post processing. Where I failed and had to backtrack and what succeeded. Examples covered will include a variety of subjects such as the Milky way, moon, light painting, cityscapes and editing techniques such as stacking, blending, and noise reduction. I'll also discuss common pitfalls that I see in night photography from judging at the fair.

Stephen Bay is a landscape photographer living in San Diego. His work focuses on capturing local scenes in both the natural and urban environment. He works in an intentional manner and carefully plans his images which may require waiting years for the right environmental conditions to materialize. He is deeply involved with photography education and the local community. He regularly holds workshops, gives presentations on photographic technique and vision, and does tutoring and individual coaching. Stephen came to the U.S. from Canada for graduate school in Computer Science. He then met his wife and permanently settled in California. After leaving a career as a data scientist he now devotes his full attention to photography.

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