Better Photos in Lightroom

Date: June 23, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

WITH Alexander S. Kunz


Over the years, Lightroom’s Develop module has grown from a tool to make basic adjustments into a complete editing solution for our images — offering a more intuitive, artistic and less technical approach to turning our raw captures into the compelling final images we had envisioned. The full potential of the software lies beyond the global adjustments — and it often remains under-utilized, even among more experienced photographers.

How do we get better photos in Lightroom? By using better starting points for our edits, and the wealth of possibilities to make selective edits in Lightroom. In this workshop, Lightroom expert & tutor Alexander S. Kunz will show how to get there, with insights, tips, and advanced techniques, drawing from his 15 years of experience using the software.

Originally from Germany, Alexander S. Kunz has called the greater San Diego area his home since October 2010. He has been using Lightroom (Classic) to organize and develop his photos since 2007, when version 1 of the software was released, and now works as a tutor and expert for the software, with local and international clients, as well as teaching classroom and online workshops on organization, workflow and developing photos with Lightroom.

His favorite photography subject are intimate landscapes, but living in the rich and diverse environment and topography of San Diego County has also made him very fond of the desert landscape, as well as the native flora. Alexander's landscape & nature photography work decorates local health care facilities, corporate offices and private residences, and is licensed to local and international clients.

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