About Looking

Date: July 05, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

WITH Craig Carlson


The workshop will present the concept of About Looking. Looking is the practice of noticing what can be interesting in a photograph. It is centered in the concept of how you see with the mind’s eye by understanding how a photographer looks for a desired image. A flâneur is a French noun referring to a person, literally meaning “stroller,”“lounger,” or loafer.”A flâneur is an ambivalent figure of urban affluence and modernity, representing the ability to wander detached from society with no other purpose than to be an acute observer of (Looking At) industrialized, contemporary urban life.

I will present numerous images from photographers like, Eugene Atget, Walker Evans, Robert Frank, Gary Winogrand, Josef Koudelka and many more. The talk will be about their concept of looking and the life they spent searching with their Urban eye. I will also bring a portfolio of my current work both in slide and prints. I also invite attendees to bring their work for discussion.

Craig Carlson became interested in photography in his early teens and subsequently worked at student publications from High School through his University studies. Craig received his Bachelors of Arts in Editorial Journalism in 1973 from San Diego State University and Masters of Arts in Studio Arts with an emphasis in Photography from Humboldt State University in 1976. He has owned and operated a commercial photography studio for over 40 years serving editorial, financial and advertising clients. He has taught photography for 40 years in several Colleges throughout San Diego County, including teaching creative photography and digital imaging in the School of Art + Design at San Diego State University for 26 years.

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